Sunday, December 14, 2008

Where to Start

So I'm 25, I have three little girls, and I have a wife who I'm blessed to have. I can't believe I tricked her into marrying me... So basically, I have a future that will be full of drama, dead teenage boys, and the quintessential desire for some type of "man cave" in order to escape Hannah Montana histeria and Fancy Nancy. Even though those gray hairs are sprouting as I speak, I would not trade my life for anything else in the world. I really hope to keep this thing active with random thoughts and events from my life, so to start I want to share an realization I had earlier this year. It was the point in which I found out one of, if not THE purpose that I was put on this Earth. It was the point in which my wife and I stepped in to become adoptive parents to our children. It was a bit of a rough year, but worth all the heartache, worry, and anxiety. Rewards come to the faithful, and in a world in which it seems as though evil prevails much too often, God delivered us the wonderful family that we have today.

I realize that this has been a year of epiphanies and crossroads. I have been told that about the age of 18, one begins to become the man they'll be for the rest of their lives. I think its the truth that its the start, but there is always transition, always revelations, and always manifestations of the Holy Spirit that shape a man's life and journey. I intend to share these experiences with whoever is willing to read them. Thanks for coming by. -Alex

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